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Hommix M800 Bundle Replacement Filter Kit

Hommix M800 Bundle Replacement Filter Kit
Product ID:

2 x (Stage 1) Change every 6months

5 Micron Sediment Filter : Change every 6months
With only five micron rating. It is effective in removing dirt, rust and sand particles.

2 x (Stage 2) Change every 6months

Granular Activated Carbon Filter:
It takes out 99% of the chlorine and organic chemicals. It provides enhanced reduction of taste, odour, and colour.

2 x (Stage 3) - (Same as stage 2) Change every 6months

Granular Activated Carbon Filter :
It takes out 99% of the chlorine and organic chemicals. It provides enhanced reduction of taste, odour, and colour.

(Stage 5) Change every 12months

Inline Post Carbon filter:
This carbon post filter removes objectionable tastes and odors to enhance the quality of your drinking water. We are using NSF approved post carbon to guarantee the taste of water.

(Stage 6) Change every 12months

Inline Alkaline filter:

The Alkaline filter changes the acidic RO water into a perfect Natural Alkali Calcium Ionised Water. The Alkaline filter simply gives back minerals such as ionised calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ion, which were taken away while purifying the water.

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